The Family

The Family

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


IT’S OFFICIAL: Brandon is ours!At some point in the midst of this morning’s paperwork, Brandon officially became a Hood! And when it was time for Brandon to write his “statement,” he didn’t hesitate! (Kids over “10” have to write their own statement that they do, in fact, want to be adopted by us.) So this is a point of confirming their “decision”to be adopted. Thus, we were relieved this didn’t cause any emotional trauma. BRANDON’S FOSTER PARENTS: Yesterday Brandon (we still call him Fengmao) asked if he could call his foster parents to assure them he was doing ok. So this afternoon our guide helped him call. (We were pleased to learn they gave him all their phone #s, QQ number, address, and email address…Hmmm, I wonder why the orphanage told us he didn’t have internet at home!?!) We briefly got to talk to his foster mother too. She was very appreciative of us adopting him. Then I ventured out there, not knowing if it would be allowed, and asked if they would like to get together to meet each other. They said yes! So our friend, Wei, helped us make arrangements and we plan to meet them tomorrow (Thurs.) afternoon. This is an unexpected blessing. What a treat to meet the gracious people that have loved and raised Brandon for the past 10 years. (And I assume they’re curious to meet us too.) We already agreed we both want to stay in touch, so this will help us get to know one another. If things go as planned, we will get to meet the parents, their adult daughter (who lives with them), and her son (who is 8 and was Brandon’s “little brother”). Pray that we can quickly start a relationship that we can continue and eventually share the Truth through. (We have no indication that Brandon has been exposed at all to Christianity.) Eric was very exposed due to the Catholic connection through China Little Flower, but Brandon even asked “why” when we said we were ready to pray before dinner. Eric is turning out to be our translator! His English is quite limited, and yet he knows enough to help us figure things out. So he is even helping us communicate with Brandon! All 3 boys are doing well together. It definitely was the right thing to bring Andrew along on this trip. They swim, play ball, play games, and slurp noodles together…all without hesitation. Brandon and Eric are compliant, easy-going kids…and I’m sure we’ll see more and more personality come out as the days go by.Oh, and today was Brandon’s 12 birthday! What a way to spend your birthday…by getting adopted! We “celebrated” tonight by letting Brandon pick where to eat…and went to KFC. That was an experience ordering. After the meal, Andrew and Eric went up to order birthday ice-cream cones…and they all ate those without hesitating. What a great day!

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to start my morning! I can't wait every morning to get up and read what has happened! I now am smiling from ear to ear! JOY! God is so good!
